Wednesday, June 20, 2007

There are two kinds of animals in this world: Constructors and Transporters. Constructors modify the things that already exist to convert them into some sort of products. Transporters move products from one location to another location. Slight variations of these two major functionalities are also possible.

Definition: Construction may involve abstract as well as concrete things. For example, a computer program and a computer both are products. A mathematical theorem is also a product as well as a physical mathematical model.

After the above definition no qualifier is needed around the concept of transportation. Since product itself can be abstract, transportation itself can also be abstract. For example: when a preacher is preaching, she is actually transporting some idea, a product of her mind, using speech as a medium to the mass. And Constructors and Transporters are not necessarily distinct and mutually exclusive entities. An entity can both be constructor as well as transporter.

There are over 6 billion humans and trillions of other species in this World. We are not even counting the atoms and molecules that are constantly in motion. Some of them are constructors and some are transporters. There are practically infinitely many combinations of constructors and transporters possible. When possibility of how individual transporter interacts with other constructor or another transporter and vice versa, the possibilities explode. These unimaginably large number of interactions produce 'things'. With every new thing produced, the mode of interaction among the entities change. This change in modality of interaction again creates new constructor-transporter combination. Thus the cycle continues. We perceive this continuation of cycles as time.

Lets see if we can counteract this. There are four possible combinations of Constructor and Transporters.

i) No Constructor and No Transporters: Since nothing is being modified and nothing is being moved from one place to another. Everything is at standstill. Nothing changes. As time is manifested in change. No time passes.

ii) No Constructor and Only Transporter: It is impossible. Transportation is accompanied by construction. A transporter is inherently a constructor. So, we can not have a situation where we have transporters and no constructors.

iii) Only Constructor and No Transporter: As in the previous case, it is impossible. Construction means current configuration has to be changed and rearranged in some way. Change and rearrangement require movement and that is transportation. As we are saying there are no transporter, no constructor can also exist.

iv) Both Constructor and Transporter: This case has already been discussed in the main paragraph. Above discussion already shows that in this case, time exists.

This discussion shows there are two kinds of animals in this world: Constructor and Transporter.


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