Thursday, September 15, 2005

I wrote last post in a groggy state of mind at four o'clock in the morning, after having five cans of beer in empty stomach. What was the occasion? Our school, LSU, won its first football match of the season against ASU in their home ground. And it was not just the win, rather the way we won, that was curious. Nothing short of miraculous. Anyone interested in football would be surprised to know that there were six touchdowns in the last-quarters only, and four out of six were for LSU, and that was the reason we won.

So much for football. It is already a week old story now.

Actually, there doesn't seem to be anything to write now. I think I am succumbing back to my old habit of dissembling my own thoughts, trying to hide from myself, what I am thinking. Over that writing those thought and posting them on the internet for the whole world to see, is little too scary right now. I hope I will be able to crack open that shell of secrecy pretty soon. Till then, good bye.


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