Monday, September 05, 2005

I now think I was too starry-eyed when I wrote that the issue of class and race was going to a topic for open discussion. As long as MSM - Monstrously Self-righteous Media - remains the major outlet for discussion, nothing like it is going to happen. Mark my word for it because such discussions openly questions their own existence.

Small but multiple venues of discussions with channels connecting those venues so that information can pass back and forth between them provide a neutral platform for discussion. Detached from any mercantile aims of big corporations such venues then can act for the benefit of the people in the true spirit of democracy. It is like object oriented software development in computer industry. Instead of a big monolithic software that has so many bugs and is very difficult to manage, small autonomous objects connected together through the methods and interfaces they provide, result a cleaner and more manageable software.

Such thesis then questions the very viability of capitalism and free market. I think they are like utopia, when actually realized, result a very equitable and just society. I am not against them. In reality though, just like utopia, can never exist. And the distorted capitalism and free market result hugely disproportionate distribution of resources, inequity, and unjustness. I don't know what is the right way to distribute the resources so that the hard-working people are not punished and they get fruit of their hard-work, and also the society doesn't veer out of control because there was disproportionate distribution of the resources. There are now a clear sign that free market and capitalism in US is getting slightly out of control. It is becoming a large behemoth that is having problem adjusting to the societal change.


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